Day 1 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- complete and submit Lesson 1a: Yes/No questions (1)
- read and understand what you are required to do on the Live Class Checklist
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Complete and submit Lesson 1a: Yes/No Questions (1)
Read and understand about what you are required to do for the Live Class Checklist #1. If you have questions, write them down and think about them later.
Review the first lesson you completed this morning. Read the notes carefully and study the lesson with these in mind.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 2 before you go to bed.
Day 2 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- complete and submit Lesson 1b: Yes/No questions (2) and Lesson 1c: Giving Reasons (1)
- read and understand what you are required to do on the Module #1 Request Feedback page.
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Complete Lesson 1b: Yes/No Questions (2) and Lesson 1c: Giving Reasons (1).
Find out where the Module #1 Request Feedback page is and mark the page so that you can find it more easily later on.
Read and understand about what and when you are required to request feedback. If you have questions, write them down and think about them later.
Review the lessons that you completed in the morning. Think about which assessment tasks you would like to use with a teacher during the live training session.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 3 before you go to bed.
Day 3 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- complete and submit Lesson 1D: Giving Reasons (2) , Lesson 1E: Making Lists
- read and understand what you are required to do on your Module #1 PFT Assessment Sheet.
- make a note of 5 assessment tasks that you are interested in using during the training session
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Complete Lesson 1D: Giving Reasons (2) and Lesson 1E: Making Lists.
Download the Module #1 PFT Assessment Sheet. You will hand this to your teacher at the beginning of your class.
Read and understand about what and when you are required to write on the Module #1 PFT Assessment Sheet. If you have questions, write them down and think about them later.
Review the lessons that you completed in the morning. Think about which assessment tasks you would like to use with a teacher during the live training session.
Go to the Module #1 Train Page.
Stay on the Train page. Make a note of 5 Assessment Tasks that you would be interested in using during the training session stage of the live class. You can think more about his tomorrow, but write it down today.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 4 before you go to bed.
Day 4 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- submit Request Feedback #1 in preparation for your first class, which is tomorrow
- submit Live Class Checklist #1 for your class
- study the Training Session Feedback Comments for your selected assessment tasks
- start your preparation for Live Class #2 and complete and submit Lesson 2a: Beginning an Answer (1) and Lesson 2b: Describing People
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Submit Live Class Checklist #1.
Download the Module #1 PFT Assessment Sheet to your mobile device or laptop so you can access it later on. You will need it to check in for class.
Think about your class tomorrow. Study the class format and what you should do at the beginning of class.
Start Module #2 and complete Lesson 2a: Beginning and Answer (1) and Lesson 2b: Describing People.
Look at the assessment tasks that you have indicated on the Module #1 PFT Assessment Sheet. Go back to the lessons Module #1 and study the extra notes in the lessons.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 5 before you go to bed.
Day 5 Preparation Tasks (Class #1)
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- arrive prepared with your completed Module #1 PFT Assessment Sheet and on time for your Live Class #1
- continue your preparation in Module #2 by completing and submitting Lesson 2c: Paraphrasing (1), Lesson 2d: Identifying a Problem, and Lesson 2e: What’s your favourite…?
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Take your Live Class #1
Continue Module #2 and complete by completing and submitting Lesson 2c: Paraphrasing (1), Lesson 2d: Identifying a Problem, and Lesson 2e: What’s your favorite…?
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 6 before you go to bed.
Day 6 Preparation Tasks
- write down your IELTS speaking goal on a piece of paper
- think about your Live Class #1 feedback (yesterday’s class) and how to use it to improve in Live Class #2
- complete Module #2 by completing and submitting Lesson 2f: What kind of…?, Lesson 2g: Framing an Event, and Lesson 2h: Suggesting a Solution
- complete and submit the Module #2 Request Feedback form
- complete and submit the Live Class Checklist #2 for your second class, which is tomorrow
- study the Training Session Feedback Comments for the assessment tasks that you want to use in Live Class #2
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Submit Request Feedback #2.
Read and understand the training session feedback comments for the assessment tasks that you have selected for Live Class #2, which is tomorrow.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 7 before you go to bed.
Day 7 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- arrive prepared with your completed Module #2 PFT Assessment Sheet in hand and on time for your Live Class #2
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 8 before you go to bed.
Day 8 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- start your preparation for Module 3 by completing and submitting Lesson 3a: Beginning an Answer (2), Lesson 3b: Opinion Questions and Lesson 3c: Intonation in Lists
- review the Module #1 and Module #2 training session feedback comments that you received back from your teacher in Live Class #1 and Live Class #2
- make a plan about how to prepare even more thoroughly for Live Class #3, which is on Day 12
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Think about what you can do this week to prepare even better for Live Class #3, which is on Day 12. Write down your plan on paper and read it every morning.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 9 before you go to bed.
Day 9 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- continue your preparation for Module 3 by completing and submitting Lesson 3d: Asking for Clarification, Lesson 3e: How often do you…? and Lesson 3f: Do you ever…?
- read the extra notes from Module #1 with purpose and write down 5 things (about the language, strategies, or preparation) that you can recycle/use with the purpose of receiving feedback during Live Class #3, which is on Day 12.
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Read the extra notes from each of the lessons in Module #1. Make a note of at least 5 things which you might find useful to include in specific Assessment Tasks that you might use during Live Class #3. It is useful to look at the Module #3 PFT Assessment Feedback Sheet while you do this.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 10 before you go to bed.
Day 10 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- continue your preparation for Module 3 by completing and submitting Lesson 3g: When was the last time…? Lesson 3h: Closing an Answer and Lesson 3i: Adding Grammar
- study the training session feedback comments on the Module #3 PFT Assessment Sheet
- read the extra notes from Module #2 with purpose and write down 5 things (about the language, strategies, or preparation) that you can use during Live Class #3, which is on Day 12
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Take out the Module #3 PFT Assessment Sheet and read every single green flag comment. If you don’t know any words or phrases, make a note on a separate piece of paper.
Organize yourself to review Module #2. Open your website, think about the next task and make a plan to do it in your head.
Read the extra notes from each of the lessons in Module #2. Make a note of at least 5 things which you might find useful to include in specific Assessment Tasks that you might use during Live Class #3. It is useful to look at the Module #3 Assessment Feedback Sheet while you do this.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 10 before you go to bed.
Day 11 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- complete your preparation for Module 3 by completing Lesson 3j: Past Habit
- complete and submit the Module #3 Request Feedback form.
- submit the Module #3 Live Class Checklist form
- complete the Module #3 PFT Assessment Sheet
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Complete and submit the Module #3 Request Feedback form.
Look at your Module #3 Feedback Request. Copy the assessment tasks onto the Module #3 PFT Assessment Sheet.
Repeat for Module #2 in preparation for Class #3.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 12 before you go to bed.
Day 12 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- arrive prepared with your completed Module #3 PFT Assessment Sheet and on time for your Live Class #3.
- review the Module #3 PFT Assessment Sheet after class
- start your preparation in Module #4 by completing Lesson 4a: Beginning an Answer (3), Lesson 4b: Extending an Answer, and Lesson 4c: Providing an Example
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Start your preparation in Module #4 by completing and submitting Lesson 4a: Beginning an Answer (3), Lesson 4b: Extending an Answer, and Lesson 4c: Providing an Example.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 13 before you go to bed.
Day 13 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- think about your Live Class #3 feedback and how to use it to improve in Live Class #4
- finish Module #4 by completing Lesson 4d: Expressing Contrasts (1) and Lesson 4e: Expressing Contrasts (2)
- request feedback to your preparation for Live Class #4, which is tomorrow
- submit Live Class Checklist #4 for your class, which is tomorrow
- download, print and fill out the Module #4 PFT Assessment Sheet
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Choose two more Assessment Tasks in addition to the one you chose this morning.
If there are any lessons from Module #4 that you would like to pause and repeat, review them at this time.
Request Feedback for Module #4. Copy the information from the Module #4 PFT Assessment Sheet that you submitted this morning.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 14 before you go to bed.
Day 14 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- arrive prepared with your completed Module #4 PFT Assessment Sheet and on time for your Live Class #4.
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Take your Live Class #4
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 14 before you go to bed.
Day 15 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- start your preparation for Module #5 by completing and submitting Lesson 5a: Do you prefer…?, Lesson 5b: Transitioning and Lesson 5c: Past Perfect (1)
- make a plan for how you will Train Effectively in your Live Class #5, which is on Day 19
- begin to form a strategy to implement on your mock speaking test, which is on Day 21
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Think about the day of your IELTS Test. Write the following on a piece of paper and keep this paper with you throughout the week.
Time the night before I will go to bed:
Time the next day I will wake up:
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 14 before you go to bed.
Day 16 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- continue your preparation for Module #5 by completing Lesson 5d: Past Perfect (2), Lesson 5e: Making a Prediction and Lesson 5f: Identifying Experiences.
- make a note of at least 5 things which you might find useful to include in specific Assessment Tasks from Module #2 that you might use during Live Class #5.
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Think about the day of your IELTS Mock Test. Add this information to your paper:
How long I will review the night before:
Time the night before I will go to bed:
Time the next day I will wake up:
What I think about before leaving home to go to the test center:
Organize all of your notes and feedback from Module #2.
Read the extra notes from each of the lessons in Module #2. Make a note of at least 5 things which you might find useful to include in specific Assessment Tasks that you might use during Live Class #5. Write these notes on a separate piece of paper.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 17 before you go to bed.

Day 17 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- continue your preparation for Module #5 by completing Lesson 5g: Paraphrasing (2), Lesson 5h: Paraphrasing (3) and Lesson 5i: Describing an Event
- make a note of at least 5 things which you might find useful to include in specific Assessment Tasks from Module #3 that you might use during Live Class #5
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Think about the day of your IELTS Test. Add this information to your paper:
What specifically I will review on Day 19 after Live Class #5:
How long I will review the night before: ________ minutes
Time the night before I will go to bed: _________
Time the next day I will wake up: _________
What I will think about in order to further prepare myself before leaving home to go to the test center:
Organize your notes from Modoule #3.
Read the extra notes from each of the lessons in Module #3. Make a note of at least 5 things which you might find useful to include in specific Assessment Tasks that you might use during Live Class #5. Write these notes on a separate piece of paper.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 18 before you go to bed.

Day 18 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- finish your preparation for Module #5 and the course by completing Lesson 5j: Describing an Object and Lesson 5k: Future Plan
- complete and submit Module #5 Request Feedback form
- complete and submit the Module #5 Live Class Checklist form
- download, print and fill out the Module #5 PFT Assessment Sheet
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Download, print out and complete the Module #5 PFT Assessment Sheet.
Pause and repeat any lessons that you feel you need to do in order to be better prepared for class. Use your notes from this morning.
Copy the information from the Module #5 PFT Assessment Sheet that you filled out earlier and Request Feedback, which you can access from your Notebook Page.
Study your PFT Assessment Sheet with the notes you made from the extra notes in Module #1, Module #2 and Module #3. Think about how you will incorporate these points into your Live Class #5 training session, which is tomorrow.
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule. Think about what preparation tasks you need to do on Day 19 before you go to bed.

Day 19 Preparation Tasks
- write down your target IELTS speaking score and the preparation tasks for the day
- arrive prepared with your completed Module #5 PFT Assessment Sheet and on time for your Live Class #5
- follow your plan that you made to prepare for your IELTS test, which is on Day 21
Wake up.
Write down your target score and the preparation tasks for the day on a separate piece of paper. Keep this paper with you throughout the day.
Take your Live Class #5
Take out your own piece of paper that you wrote on in the morning. Put a tick mark next to each task on today’s schedule.

Day 20 Preparation Tasks
On your own piece of paper, write the following items on your list of preparation tasks to do:
Make a schedule that you plan to follow to complete those tasks.
Put a tick mark next to your completed tasks before you go to sleep.
Day 21 End of Course

What is a mock test and why do I need it?
How do I prepare for the IELTS Speaking mock test?
When can I schedule an IELTS Speaking mock test?
Where can I take a mock test?